Dewan Eja Pro
Dewan Eja Pro, the number 1 proofing and reference suite for Malaysian languages, now works for OpenOffice and StarOffice. It helps you write better and learn faster. It ensures your correct spelling in these Office suites. You can also reference words instantly just by highlighting in any Windows applications.
Eja Pro
EjaPro berguna untuk memeriksa ejaan bahasa Indonesia dengan menggunakan MS Office. Jika Anda menulis surat, laporan, karangan dan lain-lainnya, EjaPro akan membantu Anda memeriksa ejaan bahasa.
Kamus Pro
Kamus Pro is the number 1 English-Malay dictionary software that helps you refer English or Malay word instantly. Featuring our unique "CheckAnywhere" technology, you can highlight any word in any Windows application and see the relevant reference instantly.
Kamus Peribahasa Simpulan Bahasa
Kamus Peribahasa Simpulan Bahasa, based on Kamus Peribahasa Kontemporari and Kamus Simpulan Bahasa published by PTS. It contains more than 28,000 entries of Malay idioms and proverbs that fully cover the classical, modern and verbal usages of the language. This component needs to be purchased separately.